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Volodymyr Fomin

Volodymyr Fomin
Person Details
All Persons


  • Ukraine
Participants Details

ELF Network

  • 2024 Bible Teachers and Preachers (Foundational) Network

Ministry Focus

  • Evangelism


  • Evangelism

Funding Status (ELF)

  • ELF Funded
Participants Answers
What is your ministry?

I preach during the Sunday service for new converts in a rural area. I livestream our Sunday services. I also work with Biblical studies, apologetics, evangelising, and helping the poor (finances, prayer, soul caring).

When did you trust Christ?

It all happened on March 4th, 2022, after the first week of the war in Ukraine. The war destroyed my worldview, hopes, and dreams. I didn't know what to do and whether I'd see the next day. Before the war, I dabbled in the occult and the New Age teachings. I thought I was getting the truth. But in reality, demons were feeding on me, and I was moving into darkness. The war made me realize that there is no truth behind these teachings, so fear and hopelessness started ruling over me. I saw that everything the world offers is a lie, and I wanted to die. One day, I spoke with my friend Alla. I told her how frustrated I was, and she cheered me up and said, "God loves you!".She told me about God's love and why she believes in Him. After some time, I met another friend of Alla's. He also told me about what Jesus did, how He loves me, and Who He is. And I also repented. So, I was born again, and I will never be the same. I will praise Him forever!

What have been the defining moments of your Christian walk?

First, I became an atheist, then an agnostic, then an occultist. But in the end, I became a Christian. All my youth, I wrestled with God, and He won. Now, I cannot turn back. Whenever I have doubts, I remember how God rescued me, was patient with me, and led me throughout life with His hand. His love overcomes everything. He cared and loved me even when I hated Him. Another way I have grown is by the Lord putting many people with other beliefs in front of me. They had many questions, and I was supernaturally able to discuss the Bible with them. God taught me that I need to be brave and rely on Him. There have been many other instances in which God taught me to be humble and not rely on my understanding. He taught me that His ways, wisdom, and decisions are always the best.

What do you hope to gain from participating?

I expect to become better at preaching God's Word. I want to improve at reading and communicating the Scripture to others. I hope to become a better servant of Christ so He can use me to equip other believers. I have faith that God will use the ELF to continue making me someone who He says I am. I hope that God will further equip me for my mission so He can use me to equip other believers for their missions.

What is your leadership role or what were your past leadership roles?

I have only been a believer for two years and have served in any needed capacity.

Why should someone invest in your ministry?

My country is going through a great storm, so many people seek God and need to hear the Gospel. They need hope. They need Christ, who can stop the storm. As a servant of Christ, I want to become a better minister so God can use me to serve many people and plant His holy seeds in their hearts. When He comes, I want to hear Him say, "Well done, good and faithful servant." I want to share the Gospel with the world and am ready to do something for it.