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Dana Stanciu

Dana Stanciu
Person Details
All Persons


  • Romania
Participants Details

ELF Network

  • 2024 Scientists Network

Ministry Focus

  • Apologetics


  • Health/Medicine

Funding Status (ELF)

  • ELF Funded
Participants Answers
What is your ministry?

I am a Christian scientist in Romania. I have a License and Master's degree in Pharmacy. I am a second-year pharmacy resident doing my residency in Clinical Pharmacy. At the same time, I am working on my Ph.D. in the medical field at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy, and my research is based on metabolic disorders, primarily focused on the pathologies linked to gluten consumption. I hope that by being in this position in Academia, I will have the opportunity to bring the Gospel into a scientific environment that currently excludes God from everything. Being a healthcare specialist, when people approach me for treatments or advice, I try to share about God as much as I can.

I also mentor students at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Cluj-Napoca. Through this ministry, I work with young people and help them to develop and grow. I am involved in 2 prayer ministries in my local church, TryAlpha ministry, and AlphaYouth (I am part of the team, not a participant in the course). I am also the leader of a girls-only study group in my local church, where we discuss all aspects regarding spiritual growth, how to make disciples, how to lead others to Jesus, and how to share the Gospel. I also want to get more involved in sharing the Gospel in academia.

When did you trust Christ?

I was born into a Christian family. We went to church every Sunday, and I also used to go to Bible study and sing in the choir. I grew up following God's rules. After I left home and moved to another city to study Pharmacy (Cluj-Napoca/Romania, where I also live right now), my life changed. I went through tough trials, and I suffered a lot. Still, I am very grateful for it because everything happened for a perfect reason - I have changed completely. I became a different/new me. It was also the time when I realized how sinful I was, and I repented. I found my only hope in Jesus. I decided that I wanted to confess my faith publicly and get baptized on the 8th of July 2018.

What have been the defining moments of your Christian walk?

In the summer of 2017, I met a fellow Christian while visiting Belgium. We talked about his testimony, life, and how he found God and accepted Jesus as his Savior. This testimony and seeing such unshakable faith touched me. I have never met someone with such a strong, pure, almost perfect connection with our Father. Something clicked inside my soul. This was the beginning of my change, the start of a new life for me, and the real starting point of my faith. I wanted to have the same unshakable faith and trust and follow God like never before since I felt His presence that day. So many other situations and people impacted my faith, and this moment represents the beginning of my testimony.

What do you hope to gain from participating?

First and foremost, I am looking forward to personal growth. I believe this mentoring relationship will provide me with the guidance and feedback necessary to continue growing as an individual. Secondly, I am excited about the professional development opportunities that this program can provide. I hope to gain new insights into my career path, identify networking opportunities, and learn how to navigate the workplace. I believe that my mentor's experience and guidance will be invaluable in helping me achieve my professional goals. Thirdly, I am looking for support and encouragement. A strong mentoring relationship can help me stay motivated during challenging times. I hope my mentor will provide me with the emotional support necessary to stay on track. Fourthly, I am excited about the accountability that this program can provide. Setting goals and tracking progress is essential for personal and professional growth, and I hope my mentor will hold me accountable for my actions and progress. Finally, I am looking for guidance. My mentor's experience and expertise can provide valuable insights and advice as I navigate my personal and professional journey.

It will help me better prepare for my upcoming ministry and studies. In addition, I will encounter other scientists who are more experienced in working with students, with other scientists, and bringing the Gospel into the world of academia. Of course, there are many challenges when you want to talk about God with scientists, but I am happy to say that I learned many helpful tips during the 2023 ELF.

What is your leadership role or what were your past leadership roles?

I am a healthcare specialist and a student.

Why should someone invest in your ministry?

I find that bringing the Gospel into a scientific work is a very delicate and complex matter. But, with the help of God and other people willing to invest in my training and ministry, I want to bring those around me at the University closer to Him.